Friday, May 23, 2014

Packing up

I need to pack. I've just read my post from March 27. I was feeling stuck, then. I am stuck no more. I am definitely moving to the farm to work and live in a tent until the RV is renovated (she's back). The moving truck is reserved for June 27th (how's that for symmetry) and my gear has arrived. Honestly speaking, I feel like I'm swimming in molasses. I feel the urge to move, to pack, to do something and yet, this change is so huge that I don't know where to begin. I feel as though I'm going in circles. Which clothes do I take? How much food will I need? How will I store it? Where? Will I be able to load the truck, get it up north, unload it and turn it in to the rental shop in time? Do I need warmer clothes? Where am I doing laundry? I still need medium for the toilet and a gas canister for the stove. And a bike. I didn't worry so much when I was younger. I'm trying to recapture that part of my youth.

Behold the Throne!!!
Pieces do fall into place bit by bit as time goes on. The truck is reserved, storage is reserved, the tent is here and the portable loo and gas stove and water container and sleeping bag and boots and a few other odds and ends. Still, I'm not sure how everything will be set up. What happens when it rains? I do have a tarp for a ground cloth. There is so much to do. I am grading my students' final papers and project at the same time. I think I'll start with the clothing. Get everything out of my room and make final decisions about what goes with me and what goes to charity. So, this post is short and sweet. Heave ho!


  1. Omg...…..I just wrote a nice long comment to you and my browser refreshed and it deleted....
    So apparently I will start
    My name is Christopher. I stumbled across your tent videos....and kudos to you for giving tent living a go....thats awesome.
    I'm about to do the same myself next spring.
    I have done this sort of thing before and normally move all over the country for some reason. FYI im in Canada.
    I also wanted to say tons and tons of kudos to you for your diet changes....Im on a diet myself and omfg it is sooooooo tough sometimes. I've felt so hungry at times my dogs were starting to look

    I should end this before it gets deleted.
    my email address is




    1. oops I forgot to ask you how things worked out with your camper?...Im dying of
